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Carleton College

Northfield, MN

National College Match Scholarship Package

These numbers reflect estimated student expenses for the 2024-2025 school year. Amounts will change slightly from year to year, but as the cost of college increases, the scholarship packages will correspondingly increase. Your official financial aid notification will be included in a letter directly from Carleton.

Annual Cost

Annual Cost of Attendance



Housing & Food


Books & Supplies



$850 (Varies)



Health Insurance

See Below





How Annual Costs Are Covered



On-Campus Student Employment


Student Summer Work Contribution


Student Savings


Parent Contribution


Student Loan




Policy on Outside Funding

Outside funding may be used to reduce a student's self-help aid (i.e. student employment) first. Funding that exceeds the self-help aid will be used to reduce the Carleton grant. 

Policy on Health Insurance

Carleton requires all students to have health insurance. Students are charged for the college health insurance ($2,707) unless they show proof of family coverage. Assistance for health insurance is available.

Policy on Travel Allowance

The travel allowance shown above is an estimated average. The actual allowance used will vary depending on distance traveled.

Policy on Student Contribution

Figures for books, supplies, travel and personal expenses are estimated and can vary depending on each individual student's circumstances. However, the scholarship package awarded will be based on these estimates.

The Student Savings contribution combined with the Summer Work Contribution is usually around $2,000.

Students may choose to replace their student employment eligibility with a loan. In addition, the student's summer work contribution can be replaced with a loan if necessary. Additional grant assistance, upon request, may be available for music lessons.

Requirements Associated with Maintaining this Award

Students must remain in good academic standing each academic term. No specific GPA is required to maintain this award other than the minimum to remain in good standing. The requirements for academic progress can be found here. Students must submit the CSS Profile, FAFSA, and relevant tax returns, W-2s, and any appropriate schedules in order to maintain the match scholarship award each year.

Carleton College’s Financial Aid Overview 

Carleton College awards financial aid based on need. It does not award academic, athletic, or other merit scholarships, except through the National Merit Program. Carleton is dedicated to meeting the full demonstrated need of each undergraduate for all four years.

Carleton's need-based financial aid is awarded on an annual basis. Unless there is a significant change in your family's financial situation, financial aid will remain consistent year to year.