
Scripps College

Claremont, CA

National College Match Scholarship Package

These numbers are based on estimated costs for the 2024-2025 school year. Amounts will change slightly from year to year, but as the cost of college increases, the scholarship packages will correspondingly increase.

Annual Cost



Housing & Food


Books & Supplies



$500 - $1,500

Health Insurance

$0 - $3,125




$90,886 - $95,011


$86,186 - $90,311

Federal Work-Study


Student Contribution


Parent Contribution


Student Savings


Student Loan


Book Stipend



$90,886 - $95,011

Policy on Outside Funding

Institutional policy states that outside scholarship funding will first replace the student’s self-help (loans and/or work study) awards where available, thus reducing the amount a student may need to borrow or work. Following the reduction of self-help aid, we will also allow outside funding to help cover your minimum student contribution. If the total of your outside funding exceeds your self-help awards and student contribution, Scripps may be required to reduce other forms of aid including Scripps College Grants and QuestBridge Scholarships. Eligibility for federal and state grants will reduce your Scripps College Grants and Scholarship.

Policy on Health Insurance

Scripps requires all students to have health insurance, either through their parents or another plan. If the student is not covered by a parental plan, the student may request that the Scripps Grant be increased to cover the cost of a Scripps Student Health Insurance Plan premium ($3,125). 

Policy on Travel Allowance

Transportation cost estimates vary by student based on the geographic location of their permanent residence.

Students are generally expected to cover their transportation and personal expenses from summer/academic year employment and/or savings.

Policy on Student Contribution

A minimum student contribution of $1,700 is expected from summer employment or savings. Students are generally expected to cover their transportation and personal expenses from summer/academic year employment and/or savings.

Requirements Associated with Maintaining this Award

Students must submit a FAFSA each year and any documents required for federal verification such as tax returns, W-2’s, and Non-Tax-Filing Statements.

Students must remain enrolled full-time each semester.

Students must maintain Scripps’ Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid and Scholarship Recipients as outlined in detail in the Scripps College Course Catalog. Scripps encourages you to review these guidelines and contact their office with questions. In short, SAP requires that students:

  • Maintain a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale).

  • Successfully complete 67% of the courses attempted cumulatively at time of assessment.

  • Scripps Aid is limited to 8-semesters in which to complete one degree.

Other Details
Students should not anticipate using work-study earnings to pay the College for expenses like tuition and fees or room and board charges. Earnings are paid to students via biweekly paychecks, based on hours worked in each pay period and are intended to assist with personal expenses.