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Yale University

New Haven, CT

National College Match Scholarship Package

These numbers reflect estimated student expenses for the 2024-2025 school year. Amounts will change slightly from year to year, but as the cost of college increases, the scholarship packages will correspondingly increase. Your official financial aid award will be included in a letter directly from Yale.

Annual Cost

Annual Cost of Attendance



Housing & Food


Books & Supplies






Health Insurance


Required Fees




How Annual Costs Are Covered



Student Share


Parent Contribution


Student Savings


Student Loan




Policy on Outside Funding

Outside scholarship funding may be used to reduce the student share of $3,700. If total outside funding exceeds $3,700, students may ask the donor organization(s) for a deferment to subsequent academic years. Outside funding in excess of $3,700 that is not deferred will reduce the Yale Scholarship.

Policy on Health Insurance

  • You will be required by the University to have adequate health insurance. 

  • You will receive primary care services at no charge at Yale University Health Services through Yale Health Plan (YHP) Basic.

  • You will be automatically enrolled in YHP Hospitalization/Specialty Care coverage.

  • The cost of YHP Hospitalization/Specialty Care coverage is included in your financial aid award. 

Policy on Travel Allowance

Travel allowance is determined by Yale and will vary depending on the student's location. The average amount is $700, but may be different per student, which will affect the amount of Yale scholarship to cover the travel. 

Policy on Student Contribution

YYale expects students to contribute $3,700 annually toward the cost of their own education. Students usually do this through on campus and summer earnings. Yale's hourly minimum wage starts at $15.69 per hour. Outside funding may replace the student's contribution. For more information, Understanding the Student Share on the Yale Undergraduate Financial Aid Website.

Requirements Associated with Maintaining this Award

Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress and submit updated application materials annually. 

Yale University’s Financial Aid Overview 

Yale is accessible to talented students regardless of their family's ability to pay for college. We are committed to working with families in determining a fair and reasonable family contribution and will meet the full demonstrated need of every student for all four years. All financial aid is need-based; there are no athletic or merit-based scholarships.

For families with total income below $75,000 per year, Yale typically does not ask parents to make any contribution toward the cost of a Yale education. In assessing need, Yale does consider family assets, business ownership and other special circumstances, in addition to annual income.

Yale will only offer admission through the National College Match round to students whose parents qualify to make zero contribution to college costs. (Students who are not eligible for a zero parent contribution will be considered for admission to Yale in regular decision and will still qualify for extremely generous aid to meet full demonstrated financial need, with no loans required.) All Yale students with financial aid awards that include a zero parent contribution also receive a $2,000 “start-up grant” for the first year and free Yale hospitalization insurance coverage.

You will need to reapply for Yale's need-based financial aid every year to confirm your continued eligibility.