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Pomona College

Claremont, CA

National College Match Scholarship Package

These numbers reflect estimated student expenses for the 2024-2025 school year. Amounts will change slightly from year to year, but as the cost of college increases, the scholarship packages will correspondingly increase. Your official financial aid award will be included in a letter directly from Pomona.

Annual Cost

Annual Cost of Attendance



Housing & Food


Books & Supplies






Health Insurance






How Annual Costs Are Covered



Student Employment


Student Contribution


Parent Contribution


Student Savings


Student Loan




Policy on Outside Scholarships/Funding

Students are encouraged to pursue outside scholarships/funding to help finance books, travel, personal, and health insurance expenses. If students receive significant outside funding that covers these expenses in full, the Pomona Grant will be reduced dollar for dollar. Federal and state grants are not considered outside funding.

Policy on Health Insurance

Pomona requires students to have health insurance to ensure access to comprehensive medical care while enrolled during the school year. Students who have comparable health insurance coverage to the College’s plan may waive out of the insurance plan, otherwise students are required to enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). Pomona’s financial aid provides a grant to National College Match Scholarship recipients to cover the full cost of the insurance premium. For 2024-2025, the health plan premium is $3,125 for annual coverage.

Policy on Travel Allowance

The amount of travel included in the financial aid budget is dependent upon the distance of the student's permanent home address from Pomona College, and is an estimate of two roundtrip tickets per year. Grant aid is not released directly to students to cover this expense; if students choose to work on campus, they may consider putting aside some earnings from their earnings to cover the cost. Students should be prepared to pay for their transportation to Pomona in the fall.

Policy on Student Contribution

National College Match Scholarship recipients do not have an expected student contribution. Recipients are provided an annual Student Employment allotment of $2,800 that can be used towards a student's personal expenses, such as books and travel.

Requirements Associated with Maintaining this Award

Students must reapply for financial aid each year and maintain satisfactory academic progress toward graduation in order to maintain the packaged award. Aid is only guaranteed for 8 semesters. Additional semesters of aid are available, if approved, but will include a $5,000 loan each semester and an expected student contribution as part of the Offer of Financial Aid.

Other Details

Total grant aid provided will cover tuition, fees, room and board. A one-time Start Up Grant of $500 will be provided in the fall of the first semester of enrollment to assist with move-in expenses. In the table above the Start-up Grant has not been included as a part of the total grants. The Start-Up Grant is not renewable in subsequent semesters.